Sunday, 12 January 2014
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Tutorial How to Overcome File (dot). Exe changed to WMP

The first example of this windvd wmpVirus virus will change the file pseudo berekstansi ( dot ) exe into windvd . Each Ane open and run mozilla , google chrome , adobe photoshop , adobe dreamweaver etc. , he will go to k windows media player . Icon on the exe file will be changed also be windvd .
Starting from the experience Ane did yesterday evening rather dated July 2, 2013 , Ane finally get a new experience . This new experience Ane get after people download service netbook . The netbook windvd virus .
The first example of this windvd wmpVirus virus will change the file pseudo berekstansi ( dot ) exe into windvd . Each Ane open and run mozilla , google chrome , adobe photoshop , adobe dreamweaver etc. , he will go to k windows media player . Icon on the exe file will be changed also be windvd .
The second example wmpAwalnya Ane virus do not know how to handle it . Starting from the brain -tweaking until Ane Ane scan with antivirus , still remains and there is no effect of the change . Then Ane asked here and there here and there , especially our champion is asked google , Ane finally get the solution and the netbook can be saved from the virus escapes Ane .
If you experience problems windvd virus as a natural Ane yesterday , you do not need to be confused to find a solution because Ane will share with you free of charge and at no charge . If you read and understand how to remove the virus , you will be successful insyallah expel the virus from your PC netbook or notebook .
1 . First download the exe file fix the default set . The file size is only 274 bytes and ane provide in rar . password : anemhd.blogspot.com2 . The next step , extract the file.3 . The third step , copy the files you've extracted to a Local Disk C. want to put up any folder , which is important in the Local Disk C.4 . The fourth step , 2x click the file that you put on Local Disk C. File stretcher will work automatically to eliminate the virus and restore notebook netbook / PC as before .5 . The final step , Restart your PC and see the results . Pc will return to normal .
Ane guarantee , if you use this method , your PC will be back to normal because Ane experience it for yourself and your PC should be back to normal . If perhaps this does not work and is not effective , then Ane suggest you to reinstall your OS .
Maybe that's all that can Ane convey in today's article . There may be an error in the article above sentence Ane apologize profusely . And if you want to add a way to eliminate the virus , you can leave a comment in the space provided. Thank you .


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